About Us

With every sip, you’re contributing to a brighter future for our brave Veterans. HonorBound Coffee donates 100% of the net profit from our coffee subscriptions directly to support organizations like The Semper Fi & America’s Fund and Freedom Mobility Foundation. These organizations provide immediate and long-term medical care and career transition opportunities for Veterans of all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces.

Why We Do What We Do

Growing up in America the 60’s meant that your family likely had deep U.S. Military roots. So many of us had Grandfathers or Grandmother’s, Fathers, Mothers, Brothers, Sisters, Uncles, Aunts and Cousins that served in one of our service branches. I was reminded recently that my Great Grandfathers on both sides of the family served in the First World War.

My Hero’s growing up were my uncles. They are the inspiration for wanting to serve our Veterans here at Honor Bound. The oldest of my uncles was R.H. “Bob” Lewis (1925-2015). Uncle Bob served in WW2. R.H. was an 17th Airborne paratrooper and being the tallest man of his unit, he was lead scout going behind enemy lines @ The Battle of the Bulge (he was severely injured & disabled there). Bob earned several medals including the Purple Heart and Bronze Star.

My Uncle Buck Roach served in the Air Force in the Korean war stationed in both Japan and in Korea. His units airdropped supplies and materials to troops in remote regions of the conflict. Uncle Buck lives in Yuma Arizona.

Uncle “HOB” Harold O Bourne, He enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1951, entered flight school in 1953 and served one tour in Korea, two tours in Germany and two tours in Vietnam. HOB served for several years at the Pentagon in Washington D.C. and at NORAD in Colorado Springs. In 1980, after 30 years of service he retired from the Army as a Lieutenant Colonel and Master Army Aviator.

Our History

Early in 2020 HonorBound Coffee was founded as a subscription-based coffee company that donates 100% of its net profits to support military families.

As a family company, we care about families. Our servicemen and women sacrifice everything to protect us. We want to honor their sacrifice by serving them and their families. HonorBound Coffee is committed to doing just that.

HonorBound Coffee specializes in premium coffee at a competitive price. The best tasting coffee available today! Coffee with a purpose!